There is so much on this thread and lots to comment on and I wish I had more time to comment. For now, here are some thoughts after reading through the thread.
Does it matter whether it’s a MLC or something else. For me, yes. I’m not standing and that may never change so why does it matter? It matters because I really want to believe the destruction of my marriage and the life I loved, with the man I loved, had nothing to do with the marriage, the person I am, or the wife I was. I want to believe all that happened had nothing to do with who I am and would have happened regardless of who my h married. Otherwise, how do I explain to myself how my h could have done to me what he did? and how was he able to end a marriage in the most cruel and destructive way that I can possibly imagine? The only way I can handle that it happened at all is to believe that it’s because of MLC craziness. I accept that this may be a huge weakness in me to want to believe it’s MLC for this reason.
A poll asking for opinions on whether it’s a MLC or not, would very likely result in an overwhelming vote for YES. My h fits most of the profile, and ticks many of the boxes for MLC. Why don’t I accept it then? Because I have read lots on Google about affairs, limerance, infatuation, FOO issues, wife abandonment,, etc. and found there are other explanations for a lot of it that have nothing to do with MLC.
The Shack - what an incredible story. The book sold millions because maybe millions can relate to it, not just MLCers. There are so many people with internal ‘shacks’ where all the secrets reside and where we allow no one access. It leads to chronic undefinable unhappiness. That unhappiness either continues endlessly, or we deal with it gradually, or it eventually blows up in a spectacular way leaving us no choice but to search for a way (successful or not) to alleviate it. I think it’s a rare thing for anyone to come through childhood completely unscathed and to not have an internal ‘shack’ that eventually must be torn down if we are to be emotionally healthy. I wonder if MLC is simply the spectacular blow-up because of inability to destroy the ‘shack’. idk,,, just musing.
My h grew up without a father. Father was a drunk who abandoned the family when h was 4 (and became a homeless man). Mother raised the family on welfare but was emotionally absent for the most part, or emotionally cruel. She was especially hot and cold with h so he never had a stable source of love and was always seeking her approval. To this day, he is a people pleaser and will sacrifice himself to win the acceptance and approval of others. You would never know this to look at him - he hides it well - but it’s a huge bottomless pit that if it ever gets filled up, never stays that way. No surprise a person like this will do everything they can to protect the ‘shack’ and so the internal unhappiness continues until the whole big ball of depression and unresolved unhappiness blows up. But is this MLC??? Or just another emotionally maladjusted person who needs years of therapy? His wounds crippled him that much that he couldn’t fix it on his own and he never sought help with it either. I was also raised in a similar environment. So why didn’t I have the so-called mid-life crisis? or even a MLT? The answer is I don’t know except that perhaps my coping skills were different, more effective, or maybe I was just born with more resilience and the ability to gradually find my way through it. I was also able to talk about this with my childhood friends who had similar struggles. We comforted each other. I met a girl in grade 7 whose home life was far worse than mine and we were fast friends and STILL ARE - 55 years later. I just came back from a week visiting her in the US. My h had no such outlet as he chose to present the facade of the super cool guy which won him many friends that he still has ongoing contact with. But nothing was discussed then or now about childhood pain and feeling lack of love and acceptance.
Okay I could go on but I’ve run out of time. Thanks for listening and posting. Great discussion.
Interview with the author of The Shack: This is a longer interview than the link posted earlier in the thread but,,,I was glued to it. If you have the time, watch this longer interview. I can’t imagine what could possibly be left out and still have the impact it did. It does reference God and faith frequently but the central message is applicable to anyone so don’t let that deter you. It’s well worth watching.