Am I the only one that sees the "work on yourself" mantra as one that encourages people to blame themselves and find fault with oneself? I see "working on yourself" as just one more thing to worry about that isn't necessarily valid.
There is a lot to respond to in the above quote that does distract from the thread, but I feel needs to be addressed. First of all, we should always be looking at a way to better ourselves- we should always be in a cycle of continuous improvement. It becomes more important as we deal with MLC and bomb drop. Our first reaction is to try and fix the marriage or our spouse and this leads to either monster or the spouse running away as our actions create a "fight or flight" response. Our clumsy attempts to gain control over something we can't control only leads to more despair and loss of self-esteem as we begin to feel that we have lost control not only our marriage, but our entire life.
Self focus and working on improving ourselves, helps us drop the rope and direct energy and action to something that we do control-ourselves.
I see the need for self improvement to as it helps the LBSer to see their full potential and to find a reason to take a step forward in life. This is especially important for the LBSer after bomb drop when everything loses meaning and we are struggling to focus on anything except our spouse. Through self improvement, the LBSer assess his/her strengths and weaknesses. For some, this is necessary for survival. Most of all this process of self assessment and helps us to figure out where we stand in life.
I could not quit during my wife's MLC, I still had to get up and go to work, I still had to shop for the kids, cook and clean the house, and take the kids to and from school. With the district in the great recession, the budget was tight as well. I took a 15% pay cut and that only made matters worse. To compensate, I developed a network of friends to help me with the kids, taught myself how to fix the car, I learned how to make household repairs, and a lot of cooking on a budget.
As I focused on myself, I realized that one way or the other, I was not only going to survive, I was going to thrive. I did have more setbacks and to be fair, I left the forum for five years. Throughout that time, I still focused on myself and dealt with the divorce. All during that time, I focused on me and what I could do for me and my family.
So, yes, I do see self-improvement as a integral part to standing and surviving MLC.
Who really is going to discuss how awesome they are in the midst of trying to save their marriage?
Mirror work is part of building a better you so that the spouse realizes that you are not a clingy, miserable, mess. Who wants to reconcile or go back to that?
Just my opinion,