Marvin, I was not speaking of those rights being infringed upon during this virus, except in a few examples. A few churches were forced to close down drive in church’s. Where no contact was made with others.
I absolutely believe you are slanted way to far to one side in your opinion about the virus. We cannot ignore the economic impact. Perhaps I understand that children will starve because I was raised in a home where we went hungry until I was taken in by another family.
To me a balance is needed. The economy is just as important and the slow reopening done with prudence and wisdom is our only option for economic solvency. If we don’t work for a year, we will experience a Great Depression. We will not be able to feed our families, pay our rent. Banks are only postponing payments for those who need it, not forgiving them. What happens when the homeless population swells and the most vulnerable are on the streets.
So yes, from my perspective there is no winning in this and hard choices must be made. A balanced approach that involves prudent care and behavior, but understanding people will die no matter our choices.
Some areas need to stay closed, while others slowly open with caution. The whole country cannot stay closed. There should not be a one sized fits all approach.
I’m confused about your statement about our country’s policies only helping the rich! In this last few years, our economy has soared and so has the middle class! Those who work hard have many, many opportunities! Those who get art degrees(or a degree that is unusable) and complain about student loans, or don’t work to learn a skill, whine about how socialism is better.
The US is not far behind other countries. We are a different country. We are not yet socialist, though it seems you believe we should be. Many of us do not want the government in charge of our lives.
Let me give an example. Public schools are necessary, however they take our money with high taxes, remove God from the schools and then act like public schools are free. Well no, the $8,000 I paid in property taxes last year would disagree. So then people cannot afford to put their children in a school with similar beliefs as their own. I believe the government should be as minimal as possible and only be a safety net for the poor.
I do not want high taxes and the government telling me what will be done with my money. I want freedom and choice.
So your belief that our country is behind is not my sentiments at all. Socialism leads to communism.