I'm barely keeping my head above water as I get used to being a single parent and trying to find my place. I'm currently taking 12 credits at the university and will be finishing up my Bachelors degrees and graduating in May. I'm also working full time, fulfilling my intern credits for graduation (20 hours a week), coaching my D10's softball and volleyball teams, serving on two community boards and trying to carve out time for me. I have our three dogs (walks, vets, car etc), our middle D has some medical issues I'm dealing with. Oh, and I'm trying to schedule and manage a move next month. And despite all of this and feeling tired and overwhelmed...I can see that I'm in a better place than my xh.
In eight weeks, I'll be done with school- graduated and have two degrees. We will be settled in our new home- settling into our new routine and finely feeling grounded ... set. My girls come over every Saturday to hang out as a family- they always bring me flowers, we watch movies, play games, do puzzles, work on projects, bake- and it always involves lots of laughter and love. I really do cherish every minute of it. Coaching takes so much time and energy, but I wouldn't ever pass up the opportunity to spend that time with my D10. She's amazing and talented and funny. And I adore every minute I get with her. I love being involved in the community and using my talents and resources to help better the city we live in with causes that are near to my heart. Meeting new people and feeling part of something bigger- brings with it a sense of purpose and self worth.
I miss alot about our old life when my Xh was around. But really- not alot has changed. Our lives are still full of love, laughter, adventure and family. I'm able to make decisions unilaterally, which for the most part is really nice. And my life is full of possibilities and options.
As for the xh- he's still running. First it was moving to CO will make me happy and fix this. Then divorce will fix this. Then a clean slate and no family or responsibilities will fix this. Then a new position at work will fix this. And now it's buying a house and getting out of the rental will fix this. Time will fix this. Blah Blah Blah. And that is why I pity him. Running won't fix anything. Only he can fix it. And the longer he takes to realize it- the more damage there will be to fix.
The time dynamic is a funny one. Time for me to figure out who I am and what I want and deserve all the while growing and living and paving the way for a brighter future. And time for him has the same purpose...figuring out what is causing these feelings, figuring out who he is and what he wants...however all the while he is burning bridges and relationships and causing so much destruction in the process. It's a bit of one step forward two steps back kind of deal for the MLC. Sad.
YOU keep interrupting his crisis. YOU keep him distracted with all your questions, statements and observations. YOU keep him from facing himself, from feeling the pain of missing his family (until he is ready to do something about it...or not ). YOU are keeping him from fully feeling and facing the man he is. Leave him 100% to his own devices and crisis ...100% shut it all down. Bow out...its not about you! I sometimes feel they have stranded themselves on some deserted island. They have done that to themselves as a result of their own actions, choices, behaviors. They need to figure out how to get off the island...the messy painful island they put themselves on. Stop taking him fresh water, food, homemade baking, clean clothes etc....why would he try to make himself better?