thought you might find this helpful. Family systems is the notion that we have inner “parts” that were developed and function to protect us. They may be our own inner toddler, child, tween, teenager, young adult or they may be a part that mimics a member of our FOO.
It may at first sound like hooey (to use a technical term 😉) but it’s totally different than multiple personalities, and these parts do not take over our being and override our current self. It’s simply that, when triggered or processing something, one of our various protective parts may become evident. It may show up to “protect” us. We don’t become the part. We are still the person we are. I was processing something specific for almost all of 2023, and I am positive that if I had a husband or a close intimate partner at the time, there are most certainly moments over those months where they would not have thought it absurd to suggest I was “not myself” and reverting to an earlier time in my life. I could see it myself, I knew the precise moments where something unresolved resulted in me reacting (instead of responding) in a manner that did not align with my current character.
It’s possible she’s also aware of the changes you are seeing in her mannerisms and behavior. Or she may not be right now, but will become more aware of it if she is in fact attempting to resolve an inner conflict. Or this may not be even close to what she’s going through, we can’t really know, just a different lens I thought I would share. I think the link I provided gives a good basic overview.
The desire to be loved is the last illusion. Give it up and you shall be free. ~ Margaret Atwood