Helpnewc, I am so sorry about the untrue allegations. It really is one of the most deplorable aspects of the personal hell we experience. And the injustice is doubled when the person in question uses a moral platform to achieve their selfish end.
The only thing I can say is that please don't think everyone would think the worst of you. A lot of women are not so partial to our own cause as to lose all common sense. Those who are eager to buy into the accusations are either firebrands who mean well, or eager to believe that the LBS deserves the desertion so that they can rest easy the same fate won't one day drop on their own heads. All perfectly understandable under the circumstances. But they don't possess the sterling judgment and moral imagination of the kind of allies you can count on anyway.
Even if those truly sound friends stay silent and away for the time being, they are not led astray by the smear campaign. And one would hope that the vast majority of men would know better to begin with.
You just need one female ally, if you want to do something about the defamation. (Might not be worth your time.) I would like to think that women's charitable instincts and empathy for other oppressed people will transcend gender prejudice. Don't pit your words against hers in public, as that would just fuel the power struggle in which she, as a Chaos Kid (yours may not be but from all I have seen 90% are) is entangled. Find the nexus woman who has clout and sense, who keeps the peace and throws the barbecues, makes phone calls to get people help, you know.
The fact that you are still standing alone would speak volumes! Don't worry about her not believing you. Men virtually never open up. Y'all are taught by patriarchy that you must only confide your feelings to the woman you love romantically and no one else. So when and if you do, it's powerful. Women will instinctively know that you are honest, because patriarchy has taught you that being vulnerable is worse than being dead. You would be the paragon who speaks only out of love. What can be more honorable, loving and true than that!
Historically women have literally died for less than that kind of love. Not entirely sure why the female MLCers don't see that.
My XH may still be around, by the way, if he had been able to cry about his three relatives, rather than having an affair. He'd rather cheat than be vulnerable. Patriarchy won.
If I were you -- not that I am -- I wouldn't say your wife is in MLC. Say that she has every right to want to leave; own up to your 50% of the fault inside your marriage. If you say even a tenth of the things you tell in these posts to your ally, it will likely get through.
Show her this forum if you feel comfortable. These posts would blast all accusations sky-high.
Now, it's true that this might make your XW angrier. Then again, a lot of women respect men more for calling their BS. As they should. If the D is looming, I'd say you have very little to lose anyway. Women are communal, so some 2*4s from her friends might just beat some sense into her.
Sorry for all the unsolicited pennies here. I hated being bullied and hate to see other LBS getting these triple whammies. I hope that grace rains down. Do know that your kids are the luckiest ever to have you and let their love protect you. Mine did.