I am shocked at how many places do not require the high earning spouse (often the one doing less childcare to pursue a career) to financially support the spouse who made more career sacrifices (whether it was reducing hours, working part-time or staying at home) for the children.
In my situation I gave up 7 years of earning power to look after my kids and to be "flexible" for H's career - moving every 1-2 years. He decided to run off on me in just about the only country in Europe that does not award alimony. He therefore is offering me a measly amount but feeling very generous because quote "he doesnt HAVE to give me anything" In the meantime I STILL have to find a way to do the lions share of child-rearing and get a full-time job while he swans about on his 6 figure salary with his girlfriend who made no sacrifices for any of it and is not reaping the financial rewards built on the back of my support.
I almost feel like starting a lobby group for parents who are abandoned in these sorts of situations - they still are predominantly women although I have heard of men in this situation too.
First let me start by saying I understand where you're coming from BUT please understand not everyone is in the same position. In my R, I was the "high earning spouse" making the 6 figure salary you mentioned. I too made many sacrifices but NONE of which abandoned my children, reduced any time with them as I attended every school function, sports activity, doctors appointments, etc. while still maintaining a very stressful high demand job.
When we are quick to judge and make general statements then we run the risk of losing sight of the "real" problem. MLC and the effects it has on a family and community. We want so desperately to point the finger and lay blame yet it clouds our judgement. Becoming bitter and angry. If we become so fixated on the problem we will never come up with the solution.
Am I to be collateral damage because I am in the minority being the primary breadwinner in my family as a woman? REALLY? I don't think so! Should we get our pitch forks and go after those "high earner spouses" because of the pain? Well we're all in the same boat high earner or not.
MLC does not discriminate - Male/Female/Race/Origin/Income/Education and the list goes on.
Please before we make blanket statements, think about what effect MLC has on EVERYONE involved and focus on bringing awareness towards a solution rather than compounding the problem. My H lives with OW and has abandoned us not because of my earning power or because he was the stay at home D. He did this because he is in a crisis of his own and we all know what that is - MLC! Period.
So if I sound offended that is not my intention as I know everyone here has good intentions and it was not meant as a dig. I get that... but I also see quite a bit of finger pointing in the wrong direction and it doesn't solve anything. It only feeds the anger, hurt and pain. Personally I would rather see MLC taken seriously as an illness instead of as a joke...therefore possibly early detection and treated before it hurts the family. But we will NEVER get there if we blame "all those men because well their men and that's just the way they are" or "those high earning spouses" or "those OW/OM". (note sarcasm) Come on! Well I'm not buying it!
My .02.