Drama is something a MLC'er uses to feed his or her justification for their actions...very similar to a teenager in pubery who overreacts(at least in a parent's estimation)to a setting of limits.
Since the MLC'er is an adult, or is supposed to be; and while I realize it makes no sense that their sense of responsibility is totally gone; yet, when you think about it, a wayward teen that is causing loads of trouble or "drama" is not much different.
It is definitely about CONTROL of a situation; one set of rules for the MLC'er(according to their sense of entitlement) another set of rules for the LBS.
The more drama the MLC'er can cause; the more CONTROL they THINK they have gained within a situation.
When you refuse to engage; it, in effect, takes away their ammunition for feeding their jusitification...and at first it makes them VERY angry; that they cannot get a rise out of the LBS...and like a child, they will keep trying.
As time goes on, and the refusal to engage becomes more firm; it does become a "limit" that is set upon the MLC'er...actually forcing them to accept that their behavior no longer affects the LBS...and they have to find another way to relate; much like that SAME teen who is testing the limits.
The refusal to engage the MLC'er is the ONLY type of boundary that can be set in early MLC that will hold strong.
However, it takes a great amount of strength to stop engaging. It is all too easy to start arguing back, and see it get totally out of control to the point the MLC'er is more or less satisfied that the LBS is as "weak" as he/she THOUGHT they were, and the MLC'er sees it as regaining control of the situation as a whole once again.
If the situation goes too far, and I've seen it do this, the LBS can lose control of themselves, saying and doing things they can never take back...and that is the goal of drama...to see how far the MLC'er can go before having the "bad" guy complex turned on the LBS.
Never mind the fact the MLC'er started all this crap; in the end of said drama the LBS gets the blame because they will say something that can never be taken back, and that will be filed away in the memory bank of the MLC'er to be brought as ammunition for another time..playing on the guilt of the LBS for having lost control of themselves.
Yet, even with the strongest of "non-engagers", the anger will oftentimes come out anyway, but that is necessary as the anger MUST come out of them, one way or the other...as the fires of the crisis burn strongly within them for a time before burning out to embers.
How long, I cannot say; it is up to the person going through.
I know this is metaphorical thinking..yet, I remember literally "burning" within until ALL my anger had come out, and was exhausted out...then, the "fires" within me burned totally out, taking something OUT of me....and I don't know what it was. Don't think I haven't asked the Lord about it.
He only said that it was a "fire of change" that burned within me at that time...that was all..as this IS what the crisis/transition honestly is.
I had some physical symptoms of this "fire"..I had "hot spots" on my face and parts of my body that didn't go away until I was literally "burned out". Strange, but true.
This was my own experience with drama while I was within my transition: I was always spoiling for an argument, until that time of 'burnout'; and my husband engaged me many times because he didn't understand what was going on with me. I'd have moments of clarity, explain what I knew was true, that I was going through the change of life; that I needed to be left alone to work through it all......he'd forget, and the next time he called, and I snapped at him; he'd engage me once again..and we had literal screaming matches that got out of control...yet, neither one of us made a move to leave the other.
This went on for well over a year, as I remember. My experience with this was different than my husband's but the PAIN was the same; intense, deep, irritating; aggravating me to death. I didn't want to be within this fire, but I had NO choice; this change comes for all in varying different ways.
Different things come back at different times for me; but I don't remember it chronologically.
I remember the beginning and the remember the ending clearly, but between was a blur at times...and some of it is NOT very clear at all.
I do, and am allowed to remember MORE about his, than mine.
I hope this helps.