We are both Christians, we go to the Episcopal Anglican Church.
His background is Roman Catholic and mine is evangelical. At BD he suggested that he felt forced to go to church with me 32 years ago! When I asked if he had sought God's guiding, he said he had and that he felt that God wanted him to be happy. He still went to church with me for a month or so after BD and then stopped entirely.
The children are now reluctant to go to church and generally don't go any more with the exception of middle son (he was cured from cancer, so maybe that makes a difference for him).
Interestingly, when h. was at the house picking up stuff for his apartment on a Sunday, he saw that d16 was asleep when she would have been at church with me. He asked eldest s19 why she hadn't gone to church
I cannot mention the subject because he reacts manic like and smiles saying that he is following God's will for his life.
He sent me a couple of chain e-mails with biblical references in them and I replied to one, pointing out the incorrections in the references, but inserting blessings for him. I never received another one
So, yes, Conway is absolutely correct and in my opinion, this is also a spiritual battle.
I believe God wants me to be a stander for His glory and name, not my will but His.