Hi Kiki
I agree that in some cases a short while on the drugs may be beneficial as is the case with your sister. The dopamine down regulation and the damage to the Neurotransmitters occur after long term use and my W was on them for 3.5 years and counting.
The slow insidious decline of emotional bonding occurs over this period which is very similar to the initial withdrawal of a MLCer before BD. By time BD has arrived my W had gradualy distanced herself from me over a 4 month period. It happened in waves of emotions. One week she was in love another week starting arguments over such silly things. A prime example. Whilst we were on holiday we had one minor blowup. I had got up early every morning with D3 to allow my W to have a lay in.I cooked daughter sausages and eggs and was about to take her to the pool as I had done every morning. My W got up as I was leaving and proceeded to lay into me for not cooking her sausages and eggs. It was like a tantrum from my D15. I did not react apologised and went swimming. By the time I had returned my Wife apologised and spent the rest of the day in love again. This is a little snapshot of the 4 months i endured after her meds were raised and before BD. As the 4 months progressed the mood swings were more pronounced.
Now another point to consider is that my W was prescribed the Meds for anxiety following her mums death and not depression.
Her updose was for PMS symptoms which worsened after her original prescription and guess what one of the side effects are.................irregular periods and mood swings. They used the medication that caused it to treat it
She had grief, not depression and they never tested her hormone or serotonin level once yet just threw pills at her which changed her from a a sweet, loving, wonderful women to a selfish , cruel and heartless women. She was fine at the 6 month mark. That is when she should have been weaned off but UK doctors just issue prescriptions without even seeing the patient.
Until she had the updose things were getting better and better. Our relationship in March of this year was the best it had ever been. Even she said that and we were both so excited for the future. The only single thing that changed between March and April.............the pills were upped and that is why I know along with other anecdotal evidence that the Meds induced my wifes MLC.
By the way the pills over time also reduce the oxyticin (not sure of the spelling) which is the chemical designed to bond couples together and is produced after sex. It is linked to Dopamine regulation and explains why the majority of SSRI users suffer sexual dysfunction. I also recall looking back that my wife who was also a very cuddly person ( I do not mean fat!) declined more and more over them 4 months when I used to offer a cuddle on the sofa. She started to say lets wait until bed and of course we would then have sex.
Interestingly the low dopamine reduces the reward feelings from affection such as cuddling but it does not stop lust....this is why my relationship turned very sexual in the last 4 months but emotionally we were drifting . Too many coincidences, it fits to well. I appreciate not all MLC are caused by this but mine certainly was.
Now if I can just get her off them damn pills!!