How interesting that he even knew to call it that? Or do you think it was an intuitive response from him?
Oh, I knew he was way too familiar with the concept, but my real signal that something was wrong was when he couldn't elaborate more on it, and instead became 'different' again.
My H comes from a family of mental illness and was scared to death of it (I think you mentioned your H having that same fear). One uncle in particular lived with his grandparents until they died. He now lives in a tent that some people let him pitch on their property alongside the highway, so the trash truck can pick him up for work (another aunt's husband got him the job). When my H was a teen he told the story of his uncle maniacally laughing one day. Someone asked him what was so funny and he said, "I just told myself a joke that I hadn't heard before." He was serious. That just never left my H.
He was always a reader and self-development guy - 180 indeed. I think he probably went deeper in the rabbit hole to avoid the distinct awareness he was really having of what was happening. He was so relieved at the beginning of 2010 to have decided to seek treatment for this "thing" that was happening to him, but the Bipolar diagnosis threw him HARD. It was like the beginning of the end for him. That was from his M.D. who put him on anti-psychotics right away (

). He found a psychiatrist from there that took him off of those and put him on SSRIs out the wazoo. That was our "turning point" where statements of "maybe we won't be together forever" out of depression turned into Monster and then some.
Honestly, I'm relieved that it's MLC (and I have no doubts it is - he is on script like he was the one who wrote it!). It really could be much worse.