Good point Trustandlove, all of which leads straight back to our bat$hit crazy spouses. Sadly, there are people out there who are just as nutso as our spouses, but I tend to believe that even if there wasn't our spouses would still "discard" us.... this seems to have more to do with INFLICTING pain/discomfort on another, I can only think it is to have SOMEBODY, anybody feel as badly as they are. They definitely know how "connected" we are to them, so we are the OBVIOUS candidates.
Blaming everybody that comes into contact with our spouse, everybody who APPEARS to validate them, won't help our MLCer or us. We have to get past this blame shifting and accept that our spouses had / have a FLAW... a big flaw. It must have always been there, just waiting for the perfect time to present itself.
What we choose to do is our own personal business, but BLAMING others for our spouses behaviour is definitely NOT a solution. I found firmly placing this mess at the feet of my spouse was the only sensible solution, otherwise, I was going to be angry with the world and looking upon every person I know, or meet afresh with skepticism and distrust. It really isn't fair to tar everybody with the same brush. As it is, I look much more CAREFULLY then I did before... not a bad thing, but SAD none the less.
hugs Stayed