Honour. No the sex didn't pacify Monster. I think he has been thinking a lot lately, cause I gave him stuff to think about. Like that I wanted him to take a look at himself, were his anger came from cause it is not something that I do or say that causes this anger. So I told him this anger must be something within you. Since then I didn't see Monster anymore and he is much more relaxed. I also told him to google 'black and white thinking'. He always accuses me of being black and white. If you search the internet on black and white thinking it leads you to Borderline. People who cannot control their anger anymore, leaving their families, sometimes leaving their jobs, people who are not able to take a look at themselves etc. etc. That is what he is and what he has done. Never heard anymore the black and white issue. Now the fog in his head is slowly going away (until recently he even told me several times he was very confused) I see that I can sometimes say things to him which he is able now to digest. Until 2 months ago this should have been absolutely impossible.
I know what causes his MLC and he knows it too as he had been reading my mails I wrote to someone with the same cultural background as H and who was in this mess for about 5 years. I didn't know he knew my password, but he did. I think he has to get in terms with it, with his traumatizes parents and his childhood issues.