OK OP, I'll bite.
My H, too, started out as a boomerang. I'd say for about the first 10 months or so. Then he slowly evolved into what he is today 18 months post BD, an Off-and-On.
I haven't seen or spoken to him in almost 6 months. We have communicated via email maybe a total of 8 times or so during that period. I don't think we've gone much more than 4-6 weeks without some kind of email communication.
I purposely went dark on him in February after he sent me an abusive letter accusing me of trying to keep our D from having a relationship with him, committing a variety of "crimes" against him, and dredging up all my failures, real and imagined, he could recount from our 37 years of living together. It was hideous and I decided then that I needed, for my own healing, to go NC.
He tried a few times after that to communicate with me, he actually phoned me (I did not pick up) and left a VM message the day after he sent the hateful missive saying, "I probably shouldn't have sent the letter. I'm trying to work stuff out." I think he called once or twice more after that but I didn't pick up.
In April he texted and asked if I wanted to meet to sign our tax return. I cordially texted back asking him to drop the return off at our accountant's and that I'd sign it there.
He did send me a short but pleasant email on Mother's Day. I decided to ease up a bit on my NC and we exchanged a few pleasant messages. I also sent him a short but kind Father's Day message. The last I heard from him was about a month ago.
I need to contact him about several financial matters but I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't like being the one to initiate. I keep hoping NC will help me and, while I think it has in some ways, it also is hard for me. It hasn't brought me the "peace" some here seem to get.
Oh well, MLC takes time, right? Lots and lots of time.
M 40 yrs.
BD 1/11
Began living with OW 1/11
Divorce final 8/13
Ex married OW 6/15
God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; the courage to change the one I can; and the wisdom to know it's me.