Rock bottom is he!! for the person in Mlc. Each person defines hell differently so with each their experience is different. With my J, I found him crawling across the floor, crying, nearly unable to make it to the toilet to vimit the green bloody bile from his body. He made a firm well thought out plan to kill himself at the beginning. That was the beginning of his fall. He had no where to run. All avenues were cut off, all bridges burned. Dying was a valid choice in his mind rather than turning around and facing himself. Then came glimpses at the destruction. Each glimpse came as he tried to get on his feet and crawl up, knocking him down again. Over and over. Each piece came into focus slowly, inch by inch. He peered slowly up to see himself in a mirror and was so confused by what he saw. A caricature of the man he thought he was. That's when the throwing up started. The sleeping. The nightmares. He wouldn't get out of bed. He hid. No showering. Just ate a bit and slept only to be awakened shaking, sweating, confused, body aches, in pain.
Eventually he sought medical help. I suppose I was one of the lucky ones in that all questions were answered during that time as he would talk and talk. But only as much as he could take at the time and only as long as I did not react emotionally. A well placed question or two, lots of nodding, and saying umm hmm, I see and the like. No helping. No cushioning.
Some blow up their careers. Some like J, continue on in their careers for various reasons. J still made parts for NASA during this time. He worked nights and so was alone much of the time.
He had no ow during the end, during the time really bad parts. During one conversation he to told me, "I always knew she would be gone when the money was gone.". And she was. Now years later when he is back on his feet she has tried to reconnect unsuccessfully.
Yes an op can hold things up. An op can be a mother, a family a child,, a well meaning friend as well. It can also be an addiction such as drugs, alcohol, work, whatever.
But in my opinion, the thing that is the surest bet to hold them up on this journey is their spouse standing in the way, trying to help or speed thing along, trying to control the outcome.
if people won’t listen to you, there’s no point in talking to people. If they won’t listen, you’re just banging your head against a wall.
Sadly Ive used up all the time I had allotted to spend banging my head on the wall