Great idea from NoRegrets
and Kikki for starting the thread
I really feel that this is going to be an invaluable source because it's so easy to get drawn into doubting yourself when the MLC BS starts coming in from other sources.
Everything you get from these people is based upon either what the MLC-er has told them and/or their (often very) skewed view of relationships, emotions and people in general.
this has all been such a shock - out of the blueFriend:
Well, you were really drifting apart after your mum died. So kind of sounds like my mum's fault for dying - just too weird!
I've told Mr CB that I don't want to divorce him - that I still love himFriend:
But do you accept the reasons that Mr CB might not want to be with you? Do you accept that you've been controlling in your R? Me:
I don't want to go to Mr CB's New Year PartyFriend:
But we want to spend New Year with you and him. You know you will have to get comfortable being in the same room as Mr CB They took me out for "coffee" twice to discuss this and it felt like PRESSURE, mostly because it was.
This isn't a normal breakupFriend:
Oh, what is!FIL:
We don't want to knowFriend:
Now that you're single [eh, I'm not]
you won't be able to have the same types of relationships with your guy friends who're married. You'll be seen as a threat. So, I pretty much went from victim to out-of-control predatory sexual beast in one fell swoop. Hilarious!
Now that I've taken a step back I can see these comments for what they are. They really are mostly an insight into the person who passes comment. Once I started to recognise that I got much more clarity on the situation. I could waste time trying to find out what Mr CB had said to friends and then setting them straight or I could just detach myself from the drama and these people and know that, in time, they will either get some clarity or they won't be so big a part of my life...
“None of us can heal in isolation. Healing is best done in community” Anne Wilson Schaef
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves - Viktor Frankl