Well you've got a point there..
And some dogs will let you beat them and come back for more in the way of unconditional love.
I interpret loyalty as;
If one person expects it without returning it whats the point? That's sheer loyalty to me. A one way street.I manage to encounter that more often than not. Respect and loyalty go hand in hand to me. No one is loyal right off the bat in any relationship. That (like respect) is earned imho.
If you are talking about loyalty in these long term relationships we've all been in (or are in ) some sort of trust may have been broken somewhere. I'm not talking just physically. the breakdown of communication is a big one. Partners have to trust that if something is wrong they should be able to talk about it. This isn't always the case.
In regards to friendships? I consider myself a loyal friend and a friend to me is someone you can say anything too..talk about anything too and not fear rejection, anger, or judgement.
Sure we have fights, misunderstandings, big and small. But when things reach a level of understanding ( BOTH WAYS) it's resolved.
I've had one friend since I was 8. And they are not a relative. But they are female.
What's your definition of loyalty?..Anybody?
These mlcer are the ones who are running from whatever it is that haunts them. Be it mortality, unresolved issues, or whatever else seems to be the problem. I'm not blaming;I'm just saying.
I think some know what the issues are and would rather stick thier heads in the sand in the form of denial and blame everybody else, rewrite history, find a CLEAN SLATE, and move on, and others really have no idea what's going on.
Chemical and hormonal imbalance may play into it. There is a physical aspect to consider. But honestly? I don't see it as an explanation for the behavior on it's own.