Stage #1 SEPARATION1. Difficulty of adaptation. Little progression of libido - Imminently lead to the depression.
2. Regression of energy (depression, lack of disposable energy) - MLCer dive in depression - They start to turn inward.
3. Re-cognizing the Persona (become conscious of the MASK) - breaking point, they have to kill self.
4. Dissolution of the Persona - strictly by ‘act of will’. Separation phase finished. One become nobody - lost identity.. They experience ego death. Persona is interface to the world, means MLCer is finally cut off from world. Whole his world is only himself.
Stage #2 LIMINALITY - Merger with shadow begins.1. Activation of unconscious contents
(fantasies, complexes,archetypal images, inferior function, opposite attitude,shadow, anima/animus, etc.).
- Compensation - A natural process aimed at establishing or maintaining balance within the psyche.
2. Symptoms of neurosis (confusion, fear, anxiety, guilt, moods, extreme affect, etc.)
3. Unconscious or half-conscious conflict between ego and contents activated in the unconscious.
Inner tension. Defensive reactions. Persona complex gets replaced by Archetypes ! Archetypes are complexes, means they become autonomous. Means shadow become autonomous. Link between shadow and ego is animus/anima (Soul).
"I should like to emphasize that the integration of the shadow, or the realization of the personal unconscious, marks the first stage in the analytic process, and that without it a recognition of anima and animus is impossible. The shadow can be realized only through a relation to a partner, and anima and animus only through a relation to a partner of the opposite sex, because only in such a relation do their projections become operative." - Jung- REGRESSION - REGRESSIVE RESTORATION OF PERSONA - REPLAY - Replay continues until next phase.
4. Re-cognizing the Archetypes. - To reach this point one have to reach stage of humility - PROJECTIONS VANISHED.
5. Dissolution of the Archetypes: (the Shadow, the Anima or Animus, and the Self).
STAGE #3 REINTEGRATION - INDIVIDUATION6. Activation of the transcendent function, involving the self and archetypal patterns of wholeness. - CENTERING OF PSYCHE.
7. Formation of symbols (numinosity, synchronicity).
8. Transfer of energy between unconscious contents and consciousness. Enlargement of the ego, progression of energy.
9. Assimilation of unconscious contents.
10. Rebuilding PERSONA - Rebirth - Reintegration can be repeated including tweaking new persona.