Each of us have parts of parents personalities, means our personality is build on parents personalities and other significant people during our life, mostly of our spouses to. So, we are like plant, everything what happen to us during life affect us more then we can imagine. When tree grow you can see on them all scars from the past. It is similar with us. All bad feelings, good feelings, memories stored in us, mostly in subconsciousness. Anyway our behavior and functioning is build on that. And we believe that we simply are like we are. But it is wrong, we can be whatever we want. Point is that we can't erase any of those bad memories, bad feelings, they are in us for eternity. So, we will never able to get rid of that in us. But what we can is actually being in charge conscientiously, means get rid of complexes, which are results of traumas from our past. Complex is autonomous part of us and when triggered we acting out from our shadow, and that is not pleasant at all. It is destructive to others and to us. We have to spot them and confront them. How ? When similar traumatic situation happens in present our complex triggered and we acting out our shadow material without our consciousness will. In such situation we have to be aware of that and simply don't REACT. Several scenarios can be applied, only listen other person which trigger our complex, process later all that feelings which we felt and rationally late respond about issue to other person. After that we will feel that we are in control of self and that make us stronger ! In time complex will diminish and we will become stronger and stronger and feel much better. In time emotions triggered by complex will be lower and lower and ultimately complex will be disconnected but still all those bad experiences and bad memories and bad feeling will be still in us but not any more AUTONOMOUS ! And we will not anymore possessed by complex or more of them which was autonomous, and on that way we will not anymore possessed by own shadow.