I had bd#1 November 2010, bd#2 march 2012 and then final bd#3 may 2012. He moved out then but still stayed here when he wanted, he was awful monster the minute he Bd#3, that was when he had ow to move on to.
I believe h mlc started 2009. He had work issues, couldn't get any and so started business. I became pregnant mid 2009. He was horrible about money, he wasn't earning and using our house savings to live off. I became very reactive, pregnancy was really bad and scary. 2010, he started pulling away from the family, more and more meetings away from home, back late three times a week ... Increased in 2011. That was the really bad year and when he started looking around for someone else. I had baby and kind of felt abandoned. 2012 he's gone. So, about two years pre bd for me. I'm. Nearly 2 years post bd, so looking at four, four and a half years mlc horror. My daughter is four in April, it's been a tough time.