High maintenance. Always needed me to keep him grounded and in a fair mood; he has always been in emotional turmoil and i had to soothe him . Blamed me for everything-if the washing machine broke, he was like, "what did you do?". Wanted me to do all his laundry, wanted me to bring him his food, and i can count on one hand the times he changed the girls' diapers when they were little. As a matter of fact, he has the teens this weekend for the first time and remarked that it will be the most time he has ever spent with them alone. To be fair, he was the principle bread winner so i didn't mind taking on all the housework and childcare but it didn't matter if he(or I) worked 2 hrs or 40, i would have been doing it anyway. And just before bomb drop i remember thinking, wow, he is only nice to me when he wants food or f$%*@!#.
I'm not looking for my other half because I'm not half a person.