I had nice guy and went to bad boy...but my nice guy was only interested in music and movies and didn't care what I was interested in...and he always agreed with every. single. thing. I ever wanted to do, like around the house or trips,etc. In my case, nice was boring...no spark, no challenge, just nice...and boring.
Now, my bad boy was nice too, but he could add his own ideas & sometimes they were better than mine. He could tease & get teased and so there was always a spark. He was charming, could throw a wink at me the moment I looked at him. We had chemistry...we still do, but I think it scares him. He's big, shaves his head bald, has tattoos...the whole nine yards. He's a teddy bear if you're the right person....my D12 has him wrapped around her little pinky. lol