I'm fairly new to the MLC world (BD was just 7 months ago) but I wear my rings because they encourage me and they remind me that I am married even though H and I live apart, he with OW.
My H never wore a ring, we didn't even have one for him at our wedding ceremony. He had seen first-hand a bad accident with his BIL involving his BIL's ring getting stuck on a boat cleat. This was before were ever met.
H swore he'd never wear a ring and it was no big deal to me. I've since thought, however, maybe it would have been a good thing if he'd worn one. Maybe the OW would have not been so friendly when she first met him. . .that's silly, I suppose. H wearing a ring or not would have made no diff in his MLC and his decision to have an A, I'm sure.
I'll wear mine, maybe forever. When people who know my sitch (only a few so far) have questioned me as to why I'm wearing them I simply say, "I'm married."
M 58
H 60
D 22
M 38 yrs.
BD Jan. '11
H living with OW
M 40 yrs.
BD 1/11
Began living with OW 1/11
Divorce final 8/13
Ex married OW 6/15
God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change; the courage to change the one I can; and the wisdom to know it's me.