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Author Topic: MLC Monster A List

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MLC Monster Re: A List
#20: May 10, 2015, 07:52:11 AM
I don't know how to tell the difference between MCL and someone who simply just wants out. I go through this in me head every day. I also wonder if it matters. I mean, ok...maybe he is MCL, but if he wants out and doesn't recognize his MCL....does it matter if he is MCL? I think he knows something is "off", and he admits this, but what he thinks is "off" is me. He thinks I am the cause of his unhappiness even though he will tell me, he is not happy with himself. He has said things like, " If I can't be happy with myself, I can't be happy with anyone else", or " I have to fix myself before I can happy with anyone". Looking back, I can see so many red flags and so many times that I knew he had inner demons and wasn't doing anything about them. About 5 or 6 years ago, I learned he had a terrible gambling addiction. To the point where I kicked him out and told him he could not return unless he received treatment. He had been hiding it from me for over a year. Makes me wonder now, what else he was hiding. He ended up in a psych unit for 3 days and called me. He was at rock bottom. We worked it out and he came home and has not gambled since. I can look back also and see his "flirting, testing, and baiting" of other woman now as well. Makes me wonder if he was ever faithful. Others years ago, used to tell me he was just a "player". Maybe I should have listened. He seems to have always been looking, searching, or running from himself, trying to fill that space inside of him that is damaged. Maybe he does finally see he has issues. Maybe its just another excuse to be selfish and manipulating. I don't know. I have also saved every text for a great book someday. I journal every single day and have a best seller on my hands..LOL It really helps me get my feelings out and I recommend it to everyone. I started to journal many years ago because it has always brought me peace...and I love to write. But..I tell you...this has been about survival, not peace. I miss him. I love him, but he doesn't love himself. Once when I told him that he didn't love himself, he agreed. If he doesn't love himself, he can never truly love anyone. I have been very supportive of him trying to "find himself" because I truly know he needs to. I know without a doubt, all his years of "acting out" have come to a point that he is now "messed up in the head" as he says. Part of me thinks thinks is an excuse for bad behavior when I am having a bad day. I often feel like I am waiting for BD day again when the day comes I learn he has OW. It will kill me. It will break me. It may also be the day I no longer stand. I don't know. I have supported him through so much already...and he agrees to this. I am not sure if I can continue to support him if OW comes into picture. I pray he is being honest but I do not rely on his honesty as truth. He was having issues with impotence when he left, and I know this makes no difference in OW coming into the picture, but I also think it's an issue he has not and still is not dealing with. When I have asked him about why he doesn't tell his doctor about this (he has been to DR.), he says...he doesn't need to tell his Dr. because he isn't using "it", doesn't have any reason to bring it up right now, but in the future if he "needs it", he will deal with it then...? Really? I don;t know where he is at now. I have been dark for 8 days and so has he....I feel no hope today and it scares me.
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« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 07:54:11 AM by huntergirl »

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Re: Another List
#21: May 10, 2015, 08:04:03 AM
I can understand why it's so hard to detach.  It's so unfair of him to say those things to you when he is with someone else.

They just get so selfish.  He doesn't even think of how this effects you.  I'm sorry you have to listen to it.
Makes you wonder what he says to her.

Just try to let it go in one ear and out the other.  He wants to make sure you don't move on.
SO unfair!   >:(
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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."

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Re: Another List
#22: May 10, 2015, 09:16:12 AM
Wow...I don't know which list is worse. I'm so sorry. You know what else drives me insane?...Every single time he text messages me there is an over-use of exclamation marks. I get have a great day!!!! Take Care!!!! Happy Birthday!!! I got Happy Mothers Day!!!!! Hope you have a good weekend!!!! I paid the bills!!! and my all time favorite...Thank you!!!!!!!.....I have even told him back whenever that his over-use of this makes him appear cold, rude, and selfish....he still does it. After 8 days...he contacted me a short time ago by text saying I could transfer money over from our joint account(my money is not in this account)to pay the bills that are due. His text: Just wanted to wish you a happy mother's day. If you could transfer money over , I will put more money in the account on Friday for the rest of the bills. They will be current!!!! I hope you have a good day!!!!!!

I want to vomit. I have not responded and I don't know if I should...Anyone?
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Re: Another List
#23: May 10, 2015, 04:23:01 PM
Everybody's gonna think I'm crazy, but I find his words comforting. They give me hope. Now that I've read some of the articles on this site, I know he's cake eating. Just don't know how not to get depressed if he stops doing it. Even after all this time, what I want most in the world is for the two of us to reunite. I know I need to detach and I know what it means. How do I get there?

As for the too many exclamation points- that's just weird. Does he text everyone like that?
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Re: Another List
#24: May 10, 2015, 04:49:35 PM

It's hard to detach.  Easier if they are Monsters, or holding out no hope, but you are given these crumbs of hope from him.  That's powerful stuff to us.

Of course that's what you want so detaching can feel really bad.
How about just going dim to start with....then maybe you can work towards dark or nc.
Detachment usually comes later when you're feeling stronger.  It's all a process and we can only go by our gut and do things on our own time.

You'll get there.   :)

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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."

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Re: Another List
#25: May 10, 2015, 04:50:04 PM
Wow...I don't know which list is worse. I'm so sorry. You know what else drives me Every single time he text messages me there is an over-use of exclamation marks. I get have a great day!!!! Take Care!!!! Happy Birthday!!! ..
I want to vomit. I have not responded and I don't know if I should...Anyone?

HG - I get those stupid texts with the exclamation points.
I think it is part of my H's "happy, happy, happy" demeanor.
He is overly cheery - like "ha ha - look at me - I ran away and now I am happy happy happy.  Oh is something wrong?  I don't know why you should think that - everything is just peachy".

Pffft - I could vomit - and NO - I don't respond to that junk.
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Re: A List
#26: May 10, 2015, 06:06:42 PM
I'm curious as to how they all have the same or similar scripts?  Mine has said many of those on your lists too.

My head is in a fog.  My mind is going 90 miles an hour.  I know everything I've done is coming back around.  I'm no good.  I don't want to hurt you anymore.  Yes, I want a divorce, why would I have filed (but never completed the papers). 
I also think it is MLC because of the way they act, get self-obsessed, ignore parenting responsibilities, do things he didn't care to do before, lose too much weight, the hyperness and then exhaustion, and the "dead eyes"

But what I don't understand, is that they are not on this site, don't read books about MLC, didn't ask to have MLC, but can be from all different parts of the world and still say the same things or very similar.  How is that?
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Together 15
Married 14
Bd-nov. 2014
Divorced April 1 2016. Date is fitting for the fool!
Ow 1 ea done
Ow 2 psycho rich  married woman PA
Ow3 obviously desperate putting up with lies and ow2
stalking. PA
Affair down on all of them. They all knew he was married.
H-48 he is such a prize at this point. Let them fight over him. Lol
Me 48 GAL, loving God and who I'm becoming.
I cycle but I get stronger each time it passes.

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Re: A List
#27: May 10, 2015, 07:55:41 PM
Good question shimmer,

How can all these people be having the exact same psychosis? Like yours said, " head being in a fog"
Mine too! Cant see thru the fog.
Waiting for the loud to lift....geez

I think this is so freaking wierd, drs should be trying to figure out what's causing it. Can't be coincidence.
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Re: A List
#28: May 10, 2015, 09:45:50 PM
Wow Thunder, a mothers day card signed by the dog? ;D
Seriously, you just can't make this stuff up.

You are light years ahead of me, mine hasn't mentioned mothers day for four years....

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Re: A List
#29: May 11, 2015, 12:40:46 AM
They are complete in their overdrive. Not only with words.
My H is doing nothing, or everything.
Doesn't work out for months,then everyday, whole day.
Doesn't buy anything, now buying the most unnecessary things.
Judged everybody going through divorce without working things out, and now is being the worst example in it him self....

And I thought, there must be any insect in his head, eating his brain out.
But reading al this is it indeed possible they all have the same script, all over the world, and doctors, psychiatrist, whatever don't work on it?
How come as I tell anyone what I think is happening, everyone says: don't you think you are just trying to find a reason?

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I want to believe there's meaning here


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