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Author Topic: MLC Monster A List

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MLC Monster Re: A List
#30: May 11, 2015, 03:48:32 AM

I thought the same thing UNTIL I heard him rewrite history.  I was shocked!  He actually revered to things that didn't even happen.  That's what convinced me.  It was very strange.

I guess maybe look at the things she is saying, or said about wanting a D.  Were they true?  Did her reason change.
My X had a different reason every few months.  Completely different, like he forgot the original reason.

Thanks Thunder .
Some were true but sort of exaggerated and not only but also putdown as unfixable and oh - we should split for that and this . yet in our sitch , it was just a bad patch due to stresses . so really , true or not l put them down as excuses bc most couples would have veen through them 10 times through their lives . just excuses to quit.
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« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 03:50:48 AM by hawk »
Together 19yrs
BD, 2012
Divorce 16mths later

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Re: A List
#31: May 11, 2015, 04:13:37 AM
My H has said some of these. His specialty at the moment concerns the actual time he decided to leave the marriage. Since BD I have heard:

I've been feeling like this since before Xmas. I don't know why I feel like this. I wish I could get back to how I felt before.
I've been wanting to leave for six months.
I've been wanting to leave for six years.
I've been wanting to leave for eighteen months.
I've been wanting to leave for the whole marriage.
I've been wanting to leave since the first date.
I know I've been all over the place with the time I've been wanting to leave. It's actually since the six year mark, since your sister died and you became distant.
[and my personal favourite...]
I've read on the internet that while men just up and leave, women usually plan it for six years. I was mainly raised by my mother and grandmother, so I think like a woman. That's why I've been wanting to leave for six years.

Hang in there HG!
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Re: A List
#32: May 11, 2015, 04:44:59 AM
Bleakhouse, I have to say that last one was about the best I've heard.  Thinks like a woman.  Priceless.
(If only that were true, right?)

Mara, I got the same thing from people, even when I showed them articles on MLC.  They would look at me like they felt sorry for me because I couldn't accept he just wanted out.   ::)
I finally stopped talking to them about any of it.  It was making me crazy.  I didn't want their pity, I wanted some understanding and support.

long journey, it wasn't odd to get a Mother's Day card from our dogs.  We don't have kids together.  It was having the card signed by only one dog.  Like he has separated them down to mine and his.   :(

Kat, we all wondered that, about it being so universal.  Them saying the same things no matter where you live.
I think there are several reasons for their crisis, childhood issues, aging issues and low T being the 3 main ones.

hunter girl, you're right...what difference does it really make?

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A quote from a recovered MLCer: 
"From my experience if my H had let me go a long time ago, and stop pressuring me, begging, and pleading and just let go I possibly would have experienced my awakening sooner than I did."

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Re: A List
#33: May 11, 2015, 09:43:48 AM
Oh yeah,
That look of pity. " poor girl, she just dosent realize he dosent want her anymore"

A few of my friends pegged him as MLCer. But most dont get me  not " raking him over the coals " as one put it.

I agree thunder about the low T. Aging, and just whacked out brain chemistry. But the childhood thing I'm having a problem with.

His mom was a cold, unloving woman. His dad cheated thier whole marriage.

Looking at his and mine, mine was 1000 times more traumatic. So I don't understand that one.

Also, there's something physically I noticed with a certain, ummm body part.....  :-[

Ok, so I'll just say it....... The last time he attempted a sexual encounter, I was shocked. He was about half the size he normally was.  :o low t ??

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Re: A List
#34: May 11, 2015, 10:29:37 AM
Hi Kat. It could be low T or just plain old erectile dysfunction, which is very common in men over 50 and even younger. That messes with their minds too. It's easily remedied with ED drugs like Viagra or Cialis. Still, some men still feel as though something is wrong with them because they have to take a pill. Some are just happy something now exists that helps. Can make them crazy either way.
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Re: A List
#35: May 11, 2015, 07:26:02 PM
No cat,
Not erectile dysfunction.......the best I can say it
Very wierd, definately not the one I saw for 27 years.

About a year before BD I found some enhancement pills,the ones from the convenience stores. In his glove box.

Very wierd.
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Re: A List
#36: May 11, 2015, 07:30:42 PM
Very strange. Did he gain a lot of weight?
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Re: A List
#37: May 11, 2015, 07:39:40 PM
Nope' he had actually lost about 30 lbs, getting all fancied up for the hoe. Now he's gained it all back plus some.

Drinking more than ever, puffy face, swollen ankles. Sad :(
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Re: A List
#38: May 11, 2015, 07:54:02 PM
Not erectile dysfunction.......the best I can say it
Very wierd, definately not the one I saw for 27 years.

According to WebMD, it can shrink with age!
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We all do damage. Character is determined by how we repair it.

BD - December 2012
OW1 confirmed - December 2012 on-and-off for 34 months and counting (still refers to her as just a 'friend')
Wants to live like roommates - November 2013
I moved out - April 2015
H is still checking the anchor

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Re: A List
#39: May 11, 2015, 07:58:00 PM
Really searching,
I hope it keeps on shrinking!  8)
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