You know I just wonder how long it takes them to reflect on the bizarre and crazy antics they did/said in the first year or so.
I have no R talks (so I have no idea what he thinks about this) with my X but if he ever does look back he'd almost have to laugh at how crazy he was. Frantically cutting every gray hair off his body, working out like a maniac and going from one form of exercise to the next. Does he even remember?
He no longer does all that but I wonder sometimes if he saw how much he changed.
Sorry, had nothing to do with the discussion.

I agree with RoseTint. I think it's that more women than men who seek help on line, etc. I really think if men reconcile they would probably stop writing on sites like this so you don't really see all the men who have reconciled. Women tend to stick around after to help others.
Doesn't make us better, we're just more likely to nurture others.
Men are fixers, women are the nurturers. Just the way we are.