Whether standers should be the only ones who are on the HS forum?
Whether NC (which as far as I can see - I really was never in) is a doomsday to a R?
Is there a role for the "Bitter" divorced moderators on the forum?
OK here is the verdict from the Swedish jury!

A, It's an almost open forum isn't it? Am I standing or not. Honestly I have no freaking idea. I was abused so "standing" would make me a kamikaze pilot, doesn't it? Am I not standing? Don't know this either. I'm not rushing around trying to find someone new. Take one day at time. IF I happen to run into someone nice and interesting and it's mutual, I would not turn him down. Is that not standing? Conclusion, me myself and I cycle about this question so much and I think I'm not the only one, so why should not, NOT standers be allowed on the HS forum?
B, NC doomsday to a R. I have no idea! I do know, for me (only talking about me here) I put more value in my own healing, not ever want to have contact with a person who has no respect for me. This, for me, goes for all interactions I have with people. I cut them out of my life. NOT MY KIDS!!! Speaking from my experience with my mlc dad (never came out of the tunnel) he ran away for 4-5 years or so (back in the early 80th) he then contacted me and behaved like he never left, still confuses me a lot that someone can do this. He died 2006 or something and all these years he tried to contact me several times. As for my mlc mother (she was the one who had the affair, lasted 3-4 years weekend and holidays only) she is now in her 80th, she never apologized (what I know about) to my dad, still in her tunnel, tried to apologize to us children when I was in my 30th. She got worse and worse, more and more narc behavior when she got older, pity parties a lot. I cut contact approx. 2008. She tries to contact me, trough my coworkers/friends etc. and some direct contact. Got one HUGE birthday card 2 years ago, really strange card with lots of photos of me when I was young/younger. My Conclusion, I think NC or no NC, they still reach out, may take a little bit longer but they reach out.
C, Bitter? What is "bitter"? Is bitter someone who is harsh? direct? have different views of stuff? Who is envious? Angry? Negative? I can be all of the above and so can everyone else. Somedays S*CKS (try living in my part of the world when it's 0 degrees and raining + darkness 6 months every year)

, that's just the way life is. These are the days I want a baseball bat and my mlc in close range!

Other days are not so bad and positive, these are the days when your pupils return from winter holliday with a chocolate box specially for me. Conclusion everyone that is on this forum and contributing with the healing, with their knowledge in medicine/psychology/law or what ever has a role in this forum, mentor or not.
I try to do my best on this forum, I do have a vanisher so I don't have so much info (yet) but I can give my thoughts and maybe some will find them useful some might not. Conclusion on this, this is my way of trying to pay back to others, the help I got from all of you on this forum, when I was at the bottom of this mess.