This is the dilemma, what is the cause and what is the effect. I also wonder at times if we are just making up excuses for bad behavior because it hurts too much to accept that our spouses became really bad people. Then I think why did it happen suddenly and how can a person change so much so fast. I also wonder how could someone be something that they are not for years, and why do mlc's all follow the same play book?
I mean we're not looking for big foot, we all have seen the mlc spouse and observed them in action. The comment the Monsignor made to me about all prisoners justifying their actions and believing that they are victims makes sense, but the full scope of the mlc reevaluation to me suggests more than guilt. Guilt doesn't make people buy cars or get tattoos. Depression makes sense, but why try the mlc play book? I get high stimulation is necessary for a depressed person to have feelings, but why do they lose their ability to think rationally and make logical choices? Meds make sense, but some start after mlc. Hormones also make sense, but why are we so far behind in our understanding of the connection. Spiritual makes sense for believers, but why are other elements present?
I think it could be a combo or one opens the door for the others. I will look to natural explications first, but I won't dismiss others. One side note, I had a weird reoccurring dream in the years prior to mlc where I was in bed with my wife but she didn't want to be married. She wasn't cruel in the dream, she just didn't want to be married. I remember waking up a holding her tight. I now really wonder why I had that dream as it was like the mlc wife being in bed with me but not wanting to be married. No monster in the dream though. Also will add W and I always had a happy marriage.