Thunder- yes, it was like a switch flipped. I usually try to keep our relationship between us but I was so bewildered by how nuts he was acting that I called my sister. Her first reaction was that it was just a normal relationship bump-in-road and that we would work it out as always. I told her I wasn't so sure, this felt different and I was afraid he was losing his damn mind. A week later I updated her on what it had been like at home and she got quiet for a while then said "he's lost his damn mind."
DJ- mine doesn't look happy or say he's happy, but I don't haven't seen him interacting with his kiddie friends. I only know that when he comes here, he looks miserable and stares off in space a lot. I very badly want to tell him he's in midlife crisis and what he is feeling and doing is all very typical for the situation as a way to comfort him, but he isn't trying to hear anything I'm saying, so I've quit saying stuff.
after he’s through this crisis, wait five years, take out a wooden paddle and whack him on the ass for doing this to you!