Ha ha ha Still baffled that did make me lol.
I find it v weird that all these LBSs the world over report such similarities even down to the words they say. And I am also totally shocked that this is just not more known about or recognised. How Can such a destructive thing not be?
Rossbren, you make a v good point, the whole 'I'm trapped, you're controlling (I never heard you're controlling) is in stark contrast to how they behave. It does sound in so many cases that the MLCr often acts in an opposite way to the way they did. My H would literally call and text and always be touching base, I never required it but he would always do it and yet now, in MLC, I literally hear nothing. He's a vanisher. It's an opposite! And he is stubborn and angrier where as he was never like that, always yielding and always calm. Again opposites? I've kind of alluded to it before but he was softer and wholesome and now he's hard and sinister again opposite. Hmmm?