but why do they reject us and cheat to heal.
but why do they need to destroy their lives to make that happen?
I have a very stereotypical MLCer. He has checked every single box.
I feel like he rejected me and destroyed our lives b/c it was the last thing on the list.
He tried everything else and I was the last one standing.
He tried changing his looks - - tattoos, dying hair, Ed hardy T-shirts (he's an old fat guy, btw, so it was far from flattering)
He changed his job -- 25+ years with the same company was suddenly filled with issues.
Popping vitality pills to hang on to his vitality -- handfuls of "megamen" and pills off of the internet everyday.
New hobbies - - guns, gym, rejoined his band from the '80s
None of these things worked, I supported every decision he made, didn't matter.... something was wrong with HIM. If he wasn't happy, and he tried everything, what was left that he could change "to be happy"?
I was the only thing left that he hadn't tried to change so it must be me.