Are vanishers bigger cowards than the average MLCer? Is that why they hide? I think so, I think their fears are bigger than the average MLCer. I also think they are very concerned to how we feel about them. They are far from being proud of their actions. Otherwise, they would not have a problem facing us.
As much as I feel I struggled more in the early days, I couldn't understand why other MLCers couldn't leave their spouse but mine ran like he was on fire.
What hurt the most is he seemed like he didn't care at all if I lived or died.
Now I read other threads and the clingers just seem so firetrucking abusive.
IMO, the vanishers did us a favor. Oddly in their own way they either knew we wouldn't take it very long or they couldn't live with themselves piling the crap onto us.
Again, that's where the OP comes into play. They will take the abuse.
Years ago my husband chose to stop drinking. He said he did it for me. I was confused, I never asked him to stop, it was his choice. He said, he knew a woman like me wouldn't accept his behavior for long, that at any time I could choose to be with any man of my choosing, so why would I stick around an alcoholic. He said he chose to stop before it was too late.
His vanishing was the same thing. He decided to disappear because he knew I would only take so much for so long.
If he just plain old fell out of love, I think he could sit down once in a while and at least talk to me. I mean, geez, 28 years and you can't find an hour or two out of your week to let your spouse vent?? Mr. scaredy pants couldn't face the tears. In a weird way he vanished bc he feared me. They fear us bc there are feelings, no feelings = no fear. Plain and simple.