Um - We have no restraining order against ExH and vice versa. On the handful of occasions when Monster has made an appearance in public against myself and our children I have elected to do nothing. Even when he attackedvand pushed me about 2 weeks after BD - I did go to the Police Station for a DVO, but dropped it when H begged me to do so. I have just put this behaviour down to MLC or his substance abuse. He was never a violent person, very conflict avoidant like myself.
In Hindsight I should've had a AVO issued against the OW - especially when she has verbally abused and/or bullied my children.
My H elects not to have anything to do with our children, by choice....or Mlc choice? I have never stopped him from seeing his kids. He has walked away.
For about 6 months following BD D and S3 were sending H text messages, they advised the police last week that they were using various website onlines - they were extremely hurt and mad at H, and in the early days there were confrontations etc. I do not excuse their behaviour, and as a mother I am embarrassed, but knowing what the kids went through I can understand. My H was far from innocent with his actions. He pressed charges, but the police issued them with a juvenile caution on a Telecommunications offence. He has previously sent the police to our Daughter for her text messaging him from her phone and her not going to school - due to depression, anxiety etc. She has attempted suicide twice - definitely a cry out for help, but her father has ignored.
The police have charged me with a Stalking charge. I don't even know where they live or what cars they drive ect. She has been receiving messages too and messages have been received by others (unknown to us) from her number, she is pressing the charges. Apparently the text messages are discrediting her professional reputation.
The police are saying that they found 3 contacts on my I-phone in my contacts for sms websites. When I enter contacts in my phone I go the whole hog - phone number, fax, physical address, web site etc. the police are saying that the contacts are website addresses only. I dispute this and have never heard or visited these sites, so I contacted Apple to seek advise, that is when they performed their diagnostic testing which was recorded. The police found a VPN service running on our main computer. That is all they have.
I will be fighting this with all my heart no soul.
Thanks for the information about the unique code, I am not tech savvy so have no idea. I will,pass this onto,my lawyer.
Me 47
Him 47
OW 32
Married - 20 years
Together - 28 years
BD - Nov 2014 - reason for affair said I controlled his life, wore flannelette pyjama pants to bed and drove our family car 🤔
Moved in with Young OW and her 2 kids Jan 2015
Total Vanisher
Divorced Sept 2016
S21, S17, S16 (autism), D14
🌹🌹Let's be real...Bren is the only one who can do Bren. I'm the best Bren on the planet. Trying to turn a skank into a Bren? That will surely end in disappointment, if it hasn't already.🌹🌹
❤❤Family isn't an important thing. IT IS EVERYTHING!! ❤❤
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