But what I was never managed to understand, and no one here or eleswhere as ever had a good enough answer, is how adding more problems/issues is going to make it less heavy for the MLCer and easier to solve any pre-existing issues. The consensus is that it makes it harder for them to solve whatever problems there may be. If so, then, MLC really brings not benefit. At least not on the issues level.
I would try to answer or at least give opinion. People project self in universe consciously and subconsciously, means in other people too. MLCers are possessed by shadow which is pure irrational, there is suppressed emotions a lot of them. They cannot cope with reality at all, so they are like people who drowning. So, they lost self. When you losing self, you are dead alive. You have nothing to lose, there coming doing things and behave like you never do, just to feel something, anything, feel alive. So, they not cure cause of crisis at all, they trying to fix self curing symptoms and there go long path of replay, they do not escape and avoid own shadow because they aren't aware of own shadow. Basically they killed old self - persona and believe that they are that impaired true self which is swallowed by shadow or that true weak self suck up shadow. If MLCer true week impaired self is swallowed by shadow then process is more intense and acting out is present.
They do not add more problems intentionally, that just happens. When they spend all things which they never did and there is no joy anymore in anything then they reaching point where is complete nothingness. That is the turning point, what else you can do ? Die literally or do what remain an that is turning inward and changing self. There is no other option.
So, crisis is not solving anything, it is destruction, but they aren't aware of destruction. From their point of view is not destruction, they are already dead and their whole old life is dead, so what else bad could happens to them ? Ant it is like literally like child birth, MLcer is in tunnel, there is no way to get back, bridge is burned, they can go just forward and to be born again.