Nah, as you say, if you just wanted to write the book for yourself and for people like us who already know some of the history of what you're talking about, your book is certainly great. In fact, it would be valuable for any newbies to read. I wonder if it could be suggested reading somewhere on this site.
However, if being out in the bookstores is what you might want later, then the advice Anjae and Goner gave you is invaluable. Usually, you don't get that stuff for free. I say this because I wrote a book 10 years ago, although it didn't get published. I had a literary agent in New York and she proposed my book to the main editing houses. I was supposed to re-write it for some of them. Then my life starting falling apart and I had no time for a re-write.
However, the editors who gave me some time, wrote pretty much exactly what Goner said, and they said it in exactly the same way, which really hurt at first. Once I had slept on the information, I realized that I had been given a year's worth or writing lessons in a paragraph. Friends will never tell you the truth and that would hinder your work from going further.
Regarding reaching a broader audience, publishers want to hear this if they are going to invest in you. Every LBS in the world would want a copy of your book and that's hundreds of thousands of us maybe? Also anyone who has had a bad breakup, was cheated on, plus anyone who has low self esteem, who has failed, who feels life cheated them, would get something from your book. And your humour would probably appeal to many others even though they would not have anything in common with the story.
To reach the broader audience you would have to include something for them all, and that is probably a general story incorporated into the MLC journey you describe.
Sorry if I rambled but I really wish you to enjoy all of it, bookstores and all, if that's what you wish for.