Oh boy howdy what a jumble.
I think RCR had a really good point about tone.
Tone is lost on this website a lot. A tough question asked gently, with a hand sat on yours and a soft smile...means something completely different if asked with arms crossed and a huge frown.
Similar things happen with sarcasm and humour.
That then devolves into people missing the point, and arguing semantics over definitions of words...to the point that the original topic or post isn't even discussed...instead we are arguing definitions of words that every adult here knows. Then people get offended or triggered.
I don't think it is possible to make every single person happy and trigger free. I don't think information should be filtered or changed to 'suit' one group.
We are all LBS (and a few MLCers). We all get hit with an explosion...then we have to figure out our journey. Some of us are permanent standers, temporary standers, 'F you MLCers', and some are 'moved on and happy'. I think it is important to hear stories from all outcomes on this website for newbies.
The most important thing to feel during this mess was the ability to have control over your life, and
choice. BD feels like an out of control natural disaster. Your entire world is upended. Knowing that you can take back control (or as much as anyone can) and that you have options was a life line. If you want to stand for your one true love...good for you do it. If you are tired of his $h!te?...well walk away and make yourself the best you possible. Just because they choose a path you didn't doesn't mean they are different. We all start off the same, and then we get the power of choice back.
I don't think we have to filter, and alter, and dumb down the website to ''only be standers'' or ''covenant keepers'' or ''Happily Divorced''. If there are no longer groups...it looks like it is no longer a choice. IF only standers are allowed, a LBS may feel they do not fit in because they can not stand forever...or there was violence or whatever.
Variety is important because it gives us various perspectives, and a view into what our different choices can be.
You know this is MLC when you have played emotional hot potato with a pair of crotch-less tights.