TNT. We cannot state "the chances." That is one of the reasons that "odds" stir up discussion. I've already said that not only do we not know the true historical data, it could not offer a useful way to predict MLC outcomes at all! Our minds want it to, but it just cannot.
To give a newbie (or anyone) a numerical estimate of their "chances" can be seen as actually misinforming them. We are not obligated to substitute weak data for impossible-to-obtain good data. Sometimes what seems the "best" information is still unacceptably poor. But again...even if we had historicals, it wouldn't mean anything for that poster's real situation.
It is not an either/or proposition either. Not telling them they have bad chances is NOT in any way the same as telling them they are home free and are guaranteed success!
Nobody is keeping anything from anyone. It should be really clear to anyone who reads or posts here that the whole thing is uncertain! That is ALL we can say about "chances," and that has been borne out over and over by hundreds of thousands of posts.
Even if a bunch of posters here -- say, 1000 of them -- all voted to keep the so-called "odds" a secret from all newbies? It wouldn't change a thing in reality. This isn't their site, there's real information plainly already in the available content, and advice from those who are clear on how UNCERTAIN it all is would also post to the newbies.
And, just for fun (
), almost everyone knows that the historical stats on marriage in the US (maybe elsewhere too) are that it ends in divorce upward of 40% of the time. Should we then use that to discourage people from getting married? Some have believed so. But for most of us, that stat is really quite useless in practice. It is historical data only. Further, it has gone up and down over time. As they say in the stock market, past performance is no guarantee of future results. And that is a field that is overmeasured, if anything is!
BTW, has been proven that patients who are informed like that don't last long. It's a practice that is starting to get phased out. XY is right -- these doctors DON'T KNOW for sure, but they can cause harm by acting as if they do. (Yes, of course some cases are going to be clearly not survivable for long...fine print, fine print...)