As we have always done on HS, we record parts of our individual journeys here as it may be meaningful to someone else. It is also cathartic to do so, because others will understand perhaps better than our friends and family do.
Our family, Mr. xyzcf, our daughter and son in law just spent 4 days together. We have done this several times and we have a week booked in October together as well as Christmas back here, mainly in my home but we spent time at his as well.
Hero's Spouse and other MLC related material, my interpretation anyway, was that once the MLCer was through their crisis, they would realize what they had done and in my heart, they would want what they once threw away.
I do believe that does happen sometimes....but also that they come through their crisis, changed, and are not interested in the life or the partner they had before.
Like a snake that sheds it's skin, they leave behind the old for something very different.
In my case, from my own choices, we can actually enjoy times together and my prayer that my family would be reunited has materialized. I know another long timer who is away with her husband and two kids on vacation so I am not the only person who has found this middle ground.
Yes, there is a price to be paid. It is difficult for me. I don't know if it is difficult for him or not. It isn't difficult for our daughter although she is very aware that it's hard for me...and when she sees us laughing as we once did, I know she would like to see the parents she knew who once loved one another so very much.
Love doesn't disappear. I still have much love for him.
I have no expectations for "us". I will be sad the rest of today for I am alone again after such a delightful 4 days (and the anticipation of this time that we were going to have together). I cannot see my daughter unless I fly for 4 there is never any spontaneous meeting her's all planned well in advance.
I am grateful. I am grateful that we can share these days. I am grateful that I can afford to board a plane if I wish to see her. I am grateful that I don't fall apart anymore or become distressed by his presence. I know that this would not work for many LBSers here.
As we so often write, each situation is different and we come into this mess with our own history, our own beliefs and I had to explore which ones I wanted to live although the price to my own peace is higher than I would like, I'm not sorry that I am willing to risk it.
The past, the memories are still a reality and I have never been able to forget them. For me, there is no logic to this, never was as I enjoyed life more with him than without....but obviously, that is not his view and I respect that we both want something diferrent.