Well, MoS, your Marie Kondo quip made me laugh out loud this morning. And tbh the ability to find humour in this kind of s$itshow is a sign of your own progress.
I’m sorry that your kids came back with another bit of WTFness, but fwiw it sounds as if you did the best anyone could do to support and reassure them. Not an easy situation at all, although if it helps and my memory serves, you are not the only LBS to face that kind of situation.
I can’t recall how old your kids are? Teenage to little? Might be worth reminding us, bc advice from other parents here can be tempered by that. Dealing with this kind of big life stuff in an age appropriate way that consistently teaches them what belongs on their watch and what does not, what we are responsible for and what we can control and not, is a good life lesson but not one that any parent would want to have to rollout in these kind of circs. How are your kids dealing with it?
What I’m reading in your post is a couple of things…
….the ongoing picture that life for your xh and ow is not all sprinkles and unicorns. I don’t know how you feel about that right now.
….your understandable anger that your kids have been exposed by ow to inappropriate adult stuff and that you can’t completely protect them from this kind of disordered behaviour. And I don’t know what, if anything, this leads you to think about triangles and boundaries etc etc.
I would hope that you can see clearly that, at best, ow is an adult with very poor boundaries who likes a triangle. Or in this case, is maybe aiming for a heptagon! (I think it was only ow who shared this info with your kids, not your xh as well?) in reality tbh, ow is using your kids as ‘flying monkeys’ (worth a google) to keep you hooked into the triangle. Bc of course ypur kids are ypur vulnerable spot.
Again jmo, but I think you would be wise to go big on shutting this triangle s$it down now before it gets normalised. How?
What others here have done is to take implied suicidal threats at face value openly and in a matter of fact way….to say to those involved that you are sorry they feel this way, that you would encourage them to seek help and that if you hear this again, you will simply contact the relevant authorities to ask for a welfare check on the person. I did something similar with my xh who talked about suicide in the first year or so….whild also busy unbeknownst to me building his new life with ow lol…I got quite a few 3am phone calls and emails as I recall. Tried to be fixy and supportive initially of course, but as I started to see that there really wasn’t anything I could do about his feelings or actions, I simply said that I was sorry he felt that way and that I would drop a note to the psychiatrist he was seeing at the time to check in on him. Funnily enough, the suicidal calls stopped and he did not take his life. Well not by 2019 which was the last I heard from/of him anyway! (And meanwhile, I was dealing with my own s$itshow of course without any concern or support from him….LBS normal ha ha. I was lucky enough to find cars and kindness from other humans to keep me alive including folks here. Will always feel grateful for that but it was a bit surreal to realise that a virtual stranger cared more about my survival at that time than my then h of 20+ years, took a while to get my head round that)
Again jmo, but I think it would be wise to formally communicate this to your xh and that you have told your kids that this is an inappropriate conversation for ow to have with them. And then do nothing more - although it’s another good reason to sharply reduce ypur contact with ow as a minimum. To treat this as a hard line in the sand for you. To just say No to it. But also to remember that ow is responsible for her own behaviour and xh for his own…he is not responsible for her behaviour anymore than you are and probably can’t control it much either. He IS responsible for bring her into your kids’ lives and he is responsible for how he deals with that of course.
Disordered folks with poor boundaries are too self-obsessed to be influenced by words usually, only actions. And refusing to engage with her triangulation sends a pretty clear message as well as reducing your exposure to this kind of BS. These kinds of folks are unlikely to change; they are as they are and they have their own way of dealing with that regardless of what you do or don’t do. Any healthy adult would know that this was an inappropriate and potentially damaging conversation to have with young humans and so would exercise some self-control. She didn’t bc that is who she is. And that is nothing to do with who you are, who your kids are or what your marriage was. I hope you can see that. Ditto, your xh’s feelings and the pattern of their relationship says zip about you or your kids….its more like a neighbour leaving trash on their own front lawn tbh using the Marie Kondo analogy lol.
Bc of course ypur priority is ypur kids….and kids tend to learn about things like boundaries from what they see you doing rather than what you say.
I imagine it is also possible that you have some other feelings perhaps….sone concern for your xh, maybe some anger, idk. And that’s understandable, however it is you feel. You and your kids did not choose to be in this kind of situation or have to deal with any of this kind of chaos or drama.
Again jmo, but it is also a good reminder of the limits of your own control and responsibility, regardless of how you feel. Idk if you have an IC, but if you do, you might find it helpful to think this through out loud. It’s not uncommon tbh that getting serious about one’s own life boundaries forces us to think hard about what we can control and what we can’t, and thus what we want to do about what we can’t. To be able to see the losing triangles that do not add good stuff to our lives but take away from us in service of someone else’s benefit who usually has no real concern about our needs at all. And that we are just not obliged to sacrifice our wellbeing on the altar of someone else’s dysfunction. Plus tbh, practically speaking, folks who act this way tend to have an endless hole that can never be filled regardless of what we do.,,so seeing that it is futile as well as not your job tends to bring some alternative options. But imho it can also bring some sorrow or grief up to the surface too bc accepting the real limits of what we own as individuals sometimes also means accepting unwelcome realities or letting go of some hopes. Complicated, right?
Sending you a hug from here and a wish that 2025 bring less BS and more Kondo-like stuff that sparks joy for you and your kids.
T: 18 M: 12 (at BD) No kids.
H diagnosed with severe depression Oct 15. BD May 16. OW since April 16, maybe earlier. Silent vanisher mostly.
Divorced April 18. XH married ow 6 weeks later.
"Option A is not available so I need to kick the s**t out of Option B" Sheryl Sandberg