Like always, such wise advice, thank you. Sometimes I feel like just having a safe space with people who get it really does help. Sometimes, you just need to know you aren’t alone and to be heard. I’m feeling a bit better the last couple days and bought myself and the kids a puppy. Ha! I get to pick the little nugget up in a couple weeks right before my kids get home from their holiday abroad with the wasband. I think the call from the OW because they were fighting this week was a mercy to me. A reminder of all I don’t have to deal with anymore. With my lenses newly cleared, I definitely don’t want back on that ride.
As I’ve been thinking a bit this week and examining myself, my feelings and my own progress, I was thinking of one of my lasts couple visits to my therapist last month. I still go, just not as frequently, especially with the holidays. During the session, we were talking about the kids, how they struggle and aren’t better off for not having a father in the home. She pointed out to me that it was the first time since this whole nightmare started though that I said that I was better off by myself without him. Truly, I am. There is a certain peace to not dealing with his swirling emotions.
Sometimes I wonder if the ex is slowly progressing out of replay and skirting the edges of something new. He seems to be increasingly depressed. Hopefully his therapist is actually doing him some good.
Like has been said, the down blips are getting less frequent and in general take less time to get over. Here’s to continued progress in the new year.