How about an update on….
The six pack
Your vacation plans
Your furry friend
Great work as always!
HD!!!! Another thread I need to catchup on!!! How are you?

I'm wonderful my friend!!! Life is gooooooodddddd!!!
Losing weight, the six pack will be mine!!!!

I'm about to start lifting again..... I think I've figured out that I do better lifting than tons of cardio. Soooooo, I'm going to put on 30lbs of muscle and see what that does. That used to be easy - guess I'll see how hard it is now that I'm a bit older. 20lbs would be ok.
Lots of travel, one Vegas trip down, another at the end of the year..... pinball show in half a year, and Halloween at Universal once again!!! It's a packed year of travel..... and once again: all alone.

Well, at least for the time being. You never know...... HA!!! I'm super excited because on one trip, I'm going 1st class!!! Wooohooo!!! I've never done that before, but it's on my bucket list. Got an incredible deal where it was the same price as a regular ticket - so I took it. Very exciting.
The little hound is a delight as always..... he has friends in the neighborhood and visits them two or three times a day on his walks...... always culminating with him peeing in their yard, on their plants, or on their wall. He is a little boy thru and thru..... and his daddy is very proud of him.
He still (as always) gravitates to W: he is her emotional support creature.... and he takes his job very seriously.

He sleeps in the bed with us, last night he was growling in his sleep on woke us up. Very cute. He comes and gets me so I go to the bed and be with him and W..... he tries to be a little matchmaker.
Pinball? Oh yes!!!! I'm going to the show again this year (going to be awesome), and I've adopted a new rule: One machine a year..... so I'm gearing up to get another one (W doesn't know yet.... HA!!!). I figure by the time I retire, I'll have a small collection to put on location at an amusement & food joint I'd like to open. The funniest thing is, there's another Elvira pinball I'd absolutely love to have. HA!!! Not this year, but some other year? Oh yes.
Well, that's my life.... and it's a good one. Lots of work, lots to do, and a whole lot to enjoy and look forward to. Having something on the horizon has been super helpful, and I won't let another moment go by in my life without something planned. Even booked two trips to Vegas next year, just so that they're there (can always cancel or reschedule). More life, more fun, more things to see and do. How can W resist? I don't know, but I can't resist!!! HA!!!