Hi PegSJ,
I am going to relate a story that you will probably not want to hear - I am the LBS father. My MCLxW has primary custody of our kids and I get them 1/2 of the school holidays. Since her D, I have moved on and am in an LTR with a very lovely person. My MLCxW knows this, knows the person, and has no real issues about it. After all, it was MLCxW's idea to blow up our family.
When we went on vacation with my kids (my partner has 3 of her own, all of whom are older than mine), MLCxW gave D (now 13) a smart phone so "D (then 8, now 13) and S (now 17 - then 13) could contact her if needed." Well, that turned into at least an hour a day every day for the entire 3 weeks. D & S would start the day off happy but as evening would draw near, they (especially D) be more and more nervous, withdrawn, and sad as she needed to go "fill mom in" on what had happened during the day. That constant checking in and contact basically put a major damper on the vacation.
I am a perfectly capable father and am more than capable of taking care of the kids and their needs. I had lots of practice when MLCxW was busy partying like it was 1999 before BD. My partnr and I had lots of plans for the vacation - canoe trips, sightseeing (to the extent that Corona at the time allowed), in-line skating, swimming at a local lake, etc., etc., etc. MLCxW, on the other hand, prefers to sit on the beach and let the kids play on their phones. MLCxW's insistence that D (and S as needed) contact her whenever they felt like it (and the obligatory at least daily) was nothing more than a power/control play and a way to ensure that D (and S) didn't enjoy themselves too much. MLCxW would give a sob story about how much she missed them, how the dog was doing, how the birds were doing, basically everything she could to ensure that they were homesick the entire vacation. SHE needed the contact to validate her choices more than the kids needed contact.
I'm telling you this as a way to encourage you to consider what it is about contact that is so crucial - especially YOU contacting the kids while they are with their father (even if he is acting like a walking Richard Cranium with ears) - as long as they are not in physical danger or being abused somehow - he has the right to have time with them uninterrupted. Make sure that the kids know that they can contact you if they need to but I would really discourage initiating that contact during his time with them. He made the decision to go off into La La Land. He can also deal with the consequences of being a parent in that time. He fired you from being his support so let him deal with said consequences. Again, as long as you kids are not in danger or being abused somehow, there is no real reason to insert yourself into a triangle that you really do NOT want to be a party to.... It just opens you up to more of his "anal orifice" behaviour.
FWIW - my D13 has just been released from 3 months of a daily psychological clinic that was needed to break a very unhealthy symbiosis from MLCxW and for D13 to learn that she is NOT responsible for her mother's mental well-being..... She will repeat the 7th grade next year because she missed over 1/2 of the school year being "sick" to "watch over her mother and make sure that mom was OK by being "Therapist 1.0 for mom"" (D's words) - (NOT the job of a 12-13 year old but one that MLCxW tacitly encouraged). MLCxW has not and will not engage in any kind of therapy as she doesn't have any problems
I am not suggesting that there are parallels but rather encouraging you to look at the motives behind the need to contact the kids rather than letting them contact you if they need to.
Me - 61, xW - 54
Together 19 years - Married 17 at separation & 21 at D-Day
S - 17, D - 13
1 Dog
BD#1 - August 2015
Atomic BD - 13 Dec 2015
House sold & separated - Mar 2016
Divorce final 30 August 2019
Moved on in life
Survival Instructions for NewbiesSite Map A "friend" will not "stand by you" no matter what you do. That is NOT a friend. That is an enabler. That is an accomplice.
REAL friend will sit you down and tell you to your face to stop being a firetrucking idiot before you ruin your life and the lives of those around you.