Maybe my H fits into the low energy and at the same time clinging boomerang type.
Male, 44 at BD
EA with 32 y/o,from out of the country. Hired her to help out with a research site in her country, then helped her get a post-grad here in the US. Was typically knight in shining armor, helping her with her academic work. I believe active EA for 3-4 months, then broke off contact, then resumed contact till present, mostly phone/texting. recently said his feelings for OW are waning, that I was right, it is just an infatuation
Never left home. Bomb drop was first time he said he wanted a divorce, but quickly changed his mind. Would bring up D every now and then, but when I would say OK, would not do anything, or start acting like nothing is wrong. Lately said he is staying and not leaving, that he has come to the point that he realizes he cannot give up everything, but still says he does not feel anything for me, that he feels stuck. He cannot abandon his family, and also, he feels that he cannot break his vows. Wants to stay in the marriage but does not want to work for the marriage.
Devoted father. Does all his responsibilities as a husband. Cooks, cleans, does our finances, makes sure we have family vacations, altough very controlling.
Knows he is confused. Knows he is in MLC - self diagnosed from the start. Knows what makes him worse, better, and what I do that ticks him off. very much textbook case in that sense.
So what do you think? agree with me?