I know it is classic MLC but it's still upsetting. My H has been communicating online with these women. He's on a free dating web site and I found emails back and forth between him and these women. What's even more upsetting is that when he spent a few nights at a hotel when we were arguing one night, he came back with the phone number of the front desk employee. Come to fond out, he has added her to his Facebook friends list. She is 19, has been arrested, and she is dating someone else. Here he is- a 38 year old man. I tell myself this had nothing to do with me and not to let it bother me. But how can it not? 11 years of loving him unconditionally and this is what I get??I tell myself it is part of the crisis but do they ever wake up and stop this nonsense?
Whether they wake up or not; depends on them; just like the navigation of the crisis depends upon them.
These women are NOT your problem; they are actually HIS problem; and taking what he does in the way of self destructing, personally into yourself, is not going to do anything but drive you into a nervous breakdown....and over something that has NOTHING to do with you, at all.
This type attitude is a learned one; it doesn't come natural; after all, you promise exclusivity when you marry; and the MLC'er breaks that exclusivity. And that is upsetting intself.
There is a multi fold purpose for the EAs and PAs; and that is unique to each individual....right or wrong, they are on a search, a quest to find themselves...there is an unsettled, unsatisfied feeling within them; that they are trying to "fix" by fantasizing about other woman; or actually getting tangled up with other woman; all at the expense of themselves; because, honestly, THEY stand to lose everything; NOT the LBS.
If the LBS walks away, files for a divorce; the MLC'er will have lost it all; and they won't realize that UNTIL they awaken to what they are done/have done.
There are consequences for each action one perpetrates; good or bad; it all comes back; and one does reap what they sow for a season; and it's a hard reaping, as the wages of sin are death; and this is NOT ONLY a physical death; but relational death, emotional death, a way of life death; death is NOT contained just to this physical world; there are spiritual deaths that are suffered, as well.
High price to pay for a short season of sin, that's for sure.
While I never advise people to turn a blind eye to affairs, as this is, but one, of the realities they see concerning their MLC spouse; I do advise them to learn to detach, and distance from the actions of the MLC spouse; there is nothing you can do to open his eyes, or even "help" him; or even make him see the light; so you must let him go to his own devices, commending him to the hands of the Lord to deal with....don't hold on, let go, so He can do His best work.
I don't condone the MLC affair(s); but I understand why and how they can happen...and how they can further get out of control to the point the MLC'er is entangled in a huge web of their own making...but remember, this is THEM...and the fault lies upon THEM, as they do these things to themselves.
Take care.