I think my H was always selfish, he is an only child and was given total freedom by his parents, never accountable. His parents are also selfish and their R was very poor, they did very little together watched TV in separate rooms, separate holidays ... but they stayed together? Very different to the long loving R my parents had, and which I expected to have, they were so happy together, just as me and H were for the first 10 years.
When me & H met in 1988, I gave all my attention to him and he enjoyed that, our problems started when our girls were born in 1998 ... he didn't like that they took most of my attention (twins) he wanted to continue to do the stuff we'd done before, but it wasn't possible. I wanted him to spend time with me & the girls but he wanted to be out on his motorbike. Then he told me I was neglecting him!!
Whilst I was his 'love' his selfishness didn't really register, because he was so involved with me and protected me I was too wrapped up in him to see it. But now, it is so obvious to me and my girls just how selfish he is, and MLC has made it so much worse. The man who has taken 2 holidays with OW says he can't afford to take his D's to eat out. He is so mean to them it breaks my heart. He says they don't give him love but he should be the one giving, he's the grown up after all (well he used to be!)
So I think MLC has made his selfishness worse at the moment, but who knows, maybe when he comes out of it, he will realise this isn't the best way to be. My D's already tell him he's mean, and they're only 13 ... its like having 3 teenagers around the way they speak to each other. I just keep out of it and walk away, but I do feel sorry for my girls.