MsZing, the one thing to note is, for the most part, the work the LBS should do regardless of MLC or WAS is pretty much the same.
While confusion does appear to be a tell tale sign of MLC, a WAS who is not quite ready to hold up the D card might ask the LBS to slow down, thus confusing the LBS and thinking the WAS might be confused...
For me, the hardest part of not knowing would be that with MLC, there is to some degree no right or wrong that a LBS can do to change things. MLC just has to take its course. So patience is pretty much the only thing the LBS can do...
Whereas with a WAS, the sooner a LBS can make positive changes in themselves (for themselves, of course, not as a tactic) and be consistent with those positive changes so they "stick"... the better... the WAS will notice (the MLC is just confused so wouldn't really notice these things in any positive way) and might start thinking they would be a fool to leave the LBS... part of the reason why, MLC or WAS, it's said to do your best to keep the road home, pave and smooth... because if the MLC label is too quick to be pasted when perhaps its a rational WAS, a LBS who stands STILL is likely to remain unattractive and the WAS will continue on their path...
I don't want to put fear into people who jumped on the MLC label for their spouse... again, the work is the same, because while it might be futile for a MLCer, because the line can be so fine sometimes, the LBS might best work from the perspective that they have a rational WAS...
Having said that, I wouldn't say your H isn't MLC, MsZing... as WP points out, he could be low energy... but without monster and I think maybe more projection (blaming you for everything that's gone wrong in the M)... IDK... Yes, I know there's MLC (the clingy, boomerang) that seem to be martyr... and then there's also the aspects of indifference... not caring how you or others feel... like in the case of MLCers with kids, they really believe there will be no ill effects on the kids... yet they will see other couples with kids getting divorced and will talk about the poor kids and how they'll be negatively affected...