Yes LG, that is exactly it... there is CRAZY MLC... without a doubt, no questions...
And then, there are people who look at the signs and... can glean some form of crisis, even though it's not blatant...
If MLC was simply diagnosed as crazy behaviour, then it's possible that many who are labeling their spouse or person they know as MLC, are simply making huge stretches to misdiagnose... like suggesting that someone who is forgetful is suffering from Alzheimer's...
On the far side of the WAS spectrum, the WAS KNOWS they want a D... when confronted, while there may be initial denial, it appears to take a short period of time (relatively) for them to admit that they are unhappy in the M, they are not blaming the other spouse for all the wrongs in their life, and they admit they want a D, and they understand the damage... "Sorry, I know you hurt and I know this will be difficult for the kids and we should do everything we can to help the kids work through this, including counseling... I just need to move on in a new direction in my life..." and so it goes...
In the grey areas that many LBS find themselves, there's no absolute, nutbag crazy... there's no child abandonment... there's no insistence that the devil is telling them to buy the porsche and install a water bed in the camper...
My W for example, 11 months after sep... 12 mo after I found OM1 in our bed with her, under the quilt with her, although he was fully clothed, and she made all sorts of justifications for it and never once... cannot... say that maybe that wasn't such a good idea... rather suggests that if I had some woman with me in the same situation, it would be no big deal... this coming from someone I know has HUGE jealousy / trust issues... someone who simply says that she doesn't feel M, that she doesn't want the expense of a leg sep (which she has now paid for; because apparently I asked for it, which I absolutely did not; and only one month before we could be D)... and that she repeated told me that she could have lived separate lives, never leg sep nor D, indefinitely... in an open R... and that I should see if the grass is greener...
This does not sound like something I would consider "normal"... but it isn't... CRAZY... it's... just not... "normal"...
I think...
There's no clingy... there's no words expressing undying love and yet having an A... there's no fancy toys... there's no... excessive... spending... there's no running around topless at parties...
But she's definitely... rethinking life... her life... and is behaving... a little more selfish than... she did... even though she certainly had narc and borderline tendencies, prior to BD... it's like, she just put our M on hold... put it in a box on a shelf (like her ring) and forgot about it... and avoids any R talk like the plague...
WAS...? MLC...?