I firmly believe BD is when there are enormous changes in the brain of a MLCer.
What causes these changes? As we've talked about on many occasions, genetics and FOO issues (environment) seems to play a part in how a child's brain becomes wired and how it handles stress, but I'm also reading now about the enormous difficulties we humans are having coping with the effects of environmental factors.
The effects of blue light from technology and radiation from air travel, cellphone, computer usage, wifi, modern offices etc has on our biochemistry seems to be vast - changing the way the gut works (amongst other body systems), which directly affects the brain and our hormonal control systems.
Add the highly stressed lives people now live, the increase of sugar/carbs in their diets, and changes in our circadian rhythms, I wonder if this explains the increasing volume of people suffering the perfect storm as they age.
My own mum used to always say she wasn't surprised that my MLCer spun off due to his stressful work schedule, long distance plane travel, cellphone usage and use of computers for work etc. My mother has always been a bit ahead of her time, and now it seems once again, the science might be catching up with her.
I know all MLCers are not caught up in high tech environments, but there are many that are. For instance Anjae, Mr J with his DJing won't necessarily be doing his brain any favours by being in that nightclub environment with a sea of man-made Electro Magnetic Fields from electrified music and performances.
I hold my breath every time my MLCer takes a very long haul flight. It's always uglier than usual for months afterwards.