How about;
I have spent all my life pleasing others and forgetting myself
Now it is time for me to do what I wasn't able to do
Marriage has become a prison
I will always love you, that is for always
I don't feel anything for you anymore
You never want my opinion I don't know why I bother giving it to you
We need to get on with our own lives, individually/separately
The children are old enough to understand and I know that they prefer me to be happy than how I was
You let your self go
You embarass me
You never let me do anything I want
If I step out of line, you are immediately on my case
I am afraid of you
I didn't want to tell you this, but I will...
I am tired... that's all.
Maybe we should never have gotten married
I think I married you to escape from my mother and home...
(this coming from a man!!!)
I don't have friends, and I NEVER had a female friend, so what is wrong with that??
I think that God has told me not to throw away the great gift he has given us, life!!
How can you know what God's will is for your life? It just may be quite different and we will be happy separately. (in response to my statement that God blessed our marriage)