Although we are not reconciled, my xh has told me this a lot. As a matter of fact, it has occurred to me lately just how important it seems to him to tell me this over and over, in one fashion or another. I had the question in my mind just the other day whether he does this to try to ease some of the pain that I felt, or if he's trying to tell me that he was hurting too. He did indicate that it was torturous, that he couldn't sleep. He actually said in a text "my consequences for what I've done...I think about you ALL the time". I wasn't sure how to take that...LOL. What I don't know, is if he thought of me all throughout, or if it was just in phases.
Some day I hope to get the answers to some of the questions that I have. I want it to come from him though with no influence from me, so I'll wait until the timing is right.....if that day ever comes.